Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Movie Poster Promo

Annabelle is the main girl in our movie trailer, she is a young girl who lives on the country side. Annabelle is a sweet, quiet, shy girl, one day she finds an old picture in the attic of an old abandoned house, the picture has a ghost in it. Annabelle is played by Cara Griffin, Cara is a perfect actor for Annabelle. Annabelle get's kidnapped by the ghost as she's about to tell her parent's about it. Julie is Annabelle's complete opposite, she is loud, fun and all she ever wants to do is go on adventures. I play Julie, I am a little louder and I like to have fun. Our last character is The Ghost Of 229th street, the ghost lives in the old abandoned house on 229th street. The ghost doesn't want anyone to know about his existence so he kidnaps Annabelle, when she is about to tell her parent's about him. 

Our title is 229th Street, it is called this because the ghost is from the abandoned subdivision that used to be called 229th Street. When the Ghost of 229th Street kidnaps Annabelle he brings her to 229th Street. I included the actors as well as the name of the character they play, I also included some of the things critic's said about the movie. I also included the actresses and the roles they play in the movie. Here is my progress so far I have made the font of the title look like a address that you would find on the side of a house/ building.  On my title I also added the effect drop shadow and that makes it look like the words are coming off the page and creating a shadow.  I also included the date the movie is coming to theaters. Kerning can be pretty easy but it is also hard because you just have eye it and see if it looks right.  I made the letters in "Scream Studios" really far apart so it looks like it does in a lot of different movie trailers and movie posters.

I used the drop shadow layer affect on the main picture and on the title. The drop shadow makes it look like the words and the picture are coming off the page. It gives it character and makes it look really cool.  I also included the stroke layer affect on the title, the critiques, and the actors and actresses. The stroke makes the white font easier to read and it also makes the poster look really nice. I cut out the ghost form another picture and added it to this picture, this made it so that we had the ghost hiding and it looks like it's going to scare Anabelle at any second. I also made the ghost brighter, it was really dark and would've been really hard to see.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Proactive or Procrastination?

I'm mostly a procrastinator but when it comes to school I am pretty proactive.  I like to get my homework done right when I get home from school so that I can do anything I want the rest of the night.  When the project doesn't have anything to with school, or my grade I put it off to the very first minute.   Also, when I am done with my schoolwork I just sit around and don't really do anything.

When I'm really focused I can get stuff done pretty fast and have lots of free time.  A lot of times I will watch TV while doing my homework, when I do this I take a really long time to finish my  homework.  When I'm in a room with my little siblings it takes me a really long time to do my homework because I can't focus with a lot of noise or when people are talking to me.  When I am in a room by myself or there is no noise and no ones talking to me I can get a lot of work done in a short amount of time.  I have quite a bit of free time because I do all my homework right after school, but I don't really use my free time wisely.

The one thing I would change about my work habits is I would try to become more focused and not get distracted as easily.  The way I would do this is I would try to tune people out and only think about what I am doing and not what I want to do when I am done.  I also could try to find a place where I won't get distracted and I will focus more.  I also think that I can try and pay more attention to the work I am doing and check my answers more than once for silly mistakes.

Friday, November 7, 2014

My Visual Poem

My poem is about all the colors of the earth and how we need to stop and appreciate the world we live in. My visuals make an impact because they show a lot of really pretty scenery's and a lot of really pretty places. My poem has visuals of pretty much anything in nature that has pretty and exotic colors. Like, sunrises, sunsets, birds, certain flowers, mountains etc.

A lot of the effects I used were brightening the pictures and enhancing certain colors. The colors I enhanced were the pink and orange in the sunsets, it would affect the mood because it was while I was talking about those certain colors of the earth. I also made the picture of a bird flying brighter because that day was very gloomy and I didn't want darkness in my poem. I also used Ken Burns effect on the bird picture and on the picture of the plumeria. I think this effect helps keep the audience awake and not just staring at a picture for five seconds.

I feel like I did an a lot better job on this then I did on my last project. Everything can be better there's no such thing as perfect, I think I could have got added some more video and maybe added a time lapse when I was talking about the sunsetting. I also think that when I took the picture of the bird flying I could have done it on a brighter day when there weren't that many clouds in the sky. Other than these small things I think I did a pretty good job.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Finished News Story

My story was about Henry Panui and how he balances his business with his family and his passion and love for surfing. Henry Panui owns the Magic Carpet Care company that he started himself and operates it himself. Thank you to all the people who took time out of their schedules to let us film them, Henry Panui, his wife Kerry Panui and his sister Daphane Panui and my mom who drove us everywhere to get stuff filmed. Also all my team members Leilia, Daileen and Jasmine.

Our final didn't turn out as good as I would've hoped, I think my team and I could have done a lot better and were capable of an a lot better project. We had a great story and really good interviews, but we didn't get very much b-roll or put it together very well. We all had very different schedules so it was really hard to schedule a time when we could all get together and get stuff done. We turned it in but I know that my team and I were capable of a much better story.

We got mostly two's from the class and a couple threes and ones. I agree with what the class voted, I voted a two also. I think we got a two because it wasn't put together very well and it was mostly just interviews and very little b-roll. I learned a lot from this project and I know that next time I have a project like this I won't make the same mistakes.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Real World Report

In 2002 Sabrina Allen, who was four years old, was kidnapped by her un-legal mother. After a week trip to see her, her mother brought her to Tiaxcala, Mexico. Sabrina wasn't allowed to go to school and was rarely ever allowed to leave the tiny apartment she lived in. Her dad never gave up on trying to find her, but Sabrina Allen, who went by another name of Fair, was taught be her mom, Dara Llorens, to dislike her dad. She is afraid to see him but is going to therapy for many of the problems she has faced in the past few weeks and will be reunited with her dad very soon.

I think it is such a good thing that she was found and that people never stopped looking and that they never stopped caring. I also think that she should just see her dad no matter how resentful she is. This will show her that he that he truly does cares for her.

I think we should all are about this because yes it s just one person that we don't know but if it were happening to someone you knew you would care. I also think we should care because it is very important that we help people who are going through this type of thing the best we can.

I got my story from http://6abc.com/news/what-missing-girl-sabrina-allens-life-was-like-in-mexico-/335417/

Lessons Learned

I think that the most interesting part of our project is the story, I think our story is really going to help people who need help balancing time.  I know that our story is going to help people understand that it is easy to balance what you love to do and what you do for work.  Our story explains how Henry Panui balances his work and what he loves to do, which is surfing.  He goes surfing everyday but also surfs everyday and takes care of his family.  I really hope our story reaches out to other people and helps them learn and know how to balance their work with their passion.

My group and I haven't faced just one roadblock but we have faced multiple road blocks, in fact we are still facing some right now.  Our first roadblock was that we decided on a person but then found out that someone did our person last year so we had to think of a whole new one.  Once we decided and then finished our pitch sheet we had to start filming our interviews we couldn't decide on a date or a time to meet.  We all have very different schedules or some of us could 't get a ride.  When we finally would find a date all of us could film the people we would have to film wouldn't be able to make it.

I think the most valuable part of the filmmaking process is making sure that we have three amazing interviews.  I also think that having good b-roll is very important.  My team and I had very good interviews but we didn't have that much b-roll and that is very important. 

Friday, September 5, 2014

Hiki No Behind the Scenes

In GT these last couple weeks we have been working on a Hiki No profile or news story. My group and I chose to do a profile story on Leilia's uncle Henry Panui, he is a surfer and owns his own business.  We are trying to tell people about how to balance work and what you love to do.  Our project is pretty good but we have had a lot of difficulty, because when we were going to film the first time some of us couldn't make it, then the next time we could all make it all the camera's were checked out.  We are going to meet and get the film done and finish our project.

When we aren't filming I feel like we are very professional and try to get things done. We are professional but we are also very loose and try to have fun with everything.  We also are very ready to learn more and enjoy our hard work.  We have also all become closer than we were when we started the project, I was a new student so I didn't know anyone that well.

I think to help my team I need to try to focus more and try to find time to do the work.  I also think I need to tell my group when they are doing something that isn't going to help complete the project.  I also think that I can try to keep my group on task and help them realize that they are not only doing an assignment but we are helping the community.  We have had some problems but I know that in the end our project is going to be great!

The Experiment

The Photoshop assignment was an assignment were we tried Photoshop for the first time and we had to figure out how to use it on our own. I think we did this assignment so we could figure out how to use Photoshop. We also did this to learn how to work on our own and get help from our friends.

I think the things that were good about it were when we had to do it on our own. I think that it was bad that we couldn't get ANY help I think could have at least helped us to show us just how to turn it on. Also we never got that much time and so I never finished saving it.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Back to School

Two years ago my family and I moved away from our home on the island of Kauai to the state of Washington. In Washington I had trouble making friends and fitting in because I was different from everyone. Like I didn't wear makeup or dress the same. This was probably the most difficult two years of my life, so when my mom told me we were moving back to Kauai I was so happy I couldn't stop smiling! I would skip around and I sang and hummed all day everyday! I was the happiest girl on earth!!!

This year to be successful I am going to study really hard, pay attention in class and turn in all my assignments on time. I am also going to make sure that I know what is going on and when all my projects are due.