Thursday, August 20, 2015

Personal Manifesto

Hi guys! School's started up again so I'm going to be updating my blog again! My favorite color is a pastel pink or a pastel green. I love to sing and eat spaghetti and pizza. I have been to Disneyland 5 times and I have traveled out of the country before. I have four siblings, two brothers and two sisters and a puppy named Nalu. I am the second oldest right after my older brother, then there's my two sisters and my little brother. I play soccer and dance hula, music is my life and my sanctuary, I love to sing and dance. I am the type of person that laughs easily and is quick to crack a joke. I'm overly confident and I can easily blow off an insult.  I am the person you come to if you  need to laugh or need someone to talk to.

Here is my 2015- 2016 manifesto: Today I will be strong and stand up for what I believe in! I will believe in myself, and no one can bring me down. I am beautiful and strong and no one can tell me otherwise. I will live my life the way I want to not the way someone else wants me to. I will be strong and courageous. I will do my best and try my hardest. I will be kind, I will smile, I will laugh and I will not be afraid to be myself. I will smile at everyone, someone always needs a smile. I will be happy simply because I'm alive. I will be friends with everyone. I will bring someones confidence up today. Today I will be helpful, happy, friendly, kind, supportive and I will believe in myself.

My manifesto applies to my readers because it talks about how you need to be kind to everyone because you never know what they're going through.  My manifesto also talks about how you need to be strong and have the courage to stand up for what you believe in.  It talks about how you need to believe in yourself and be hard working.  It talks about how you need to compliment people and make their day even by a simply smiling.  My manifesto talks about how you need to smile because you're alive.  I think my manifesto can apply to everyone because everyone can be helpful, happy, friendly, kind and supportive, and they can believe in themselves.

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