Monday, November 30, 2015

Scratch Game Design

It's that time again! The time that I get to show you what I've been working on! These past couple weeks we have been working on coding our very own video game! We started with a simple chase game where we had one or more sprites chasing a sprite. Then we continued on to a Platform game where we had a sprite jumping on platforms towards the goal.

My game starts out on a hill one a clear sunny day, then you go to another point on the hill where it is a little cloudy. The next backdrop is a "drop" where you go down the hill into a desert, then it switches to the desert during the day etc. In my second game the backgrounds also switch, but the first time the background switches is when you touch the pink cloud.  The other thing both of my games have in common is that both of the main sprites, the girl and the reindeer, are trying to complete and objective. Though the objective is different they are pretty similar.  In the first game, the girl is trying to get away from the mice.  In the second game the reindeer is trying to get to the pink cloud.  I'm proud of both of my games, even though I know they are simple and have a couple bugs that I need to fix.

In my first game, the chase game, my best code was probably making the girl move smoother.  When I very first made the game the girl was moving weird and it looked very far from good. In my second game I think my best code was probably that I made the reindeer jump, though the code I used was simple I still think it was the most complicated. When you are making your character jump you need o make sure they don't float and you have to make sure your sprite doesn't jump too high or too low. I started with the block change y by _____ and in the blank space I put 10. It was too little so I increased it but then that was too much.  It was kind of difficult but I finally got the right number! So far with the two games that I have I am pretty proud of my work and the fact that I actually coded that and made that game. Even though I don't think I will ever go into coding I think it is pretty knowledge to know how to do.


  1. This was well done! I really like how the movement is nice and smooth with the girl. BUT, the mice were not as lucky with the whole moving thing. You can see inside my game to see how I made my enemy's move. But the fact you used several is a nice challenge.

  2. I like how the backdrop changes every 5 seconds, but there are some problems with the mice, making it kind of a bore to play. But the fact that there is two mice kind of makes up for it.

  3. I like your game! The platforms moved quickly but it gave enough time to get to the pink cloud. Once I figured out that I had to use the spacebar to jump, I only had one trouble. The reindeer moves, but it doesn't move as smooth as I would probably like. Other than that you're game works really well and I like it!

  4. I really enjoy the simplicancy of your game, however, I think it could run a little smoother in the jumping department. I suggest you make the platforms a little spaced out more, and make it so your character jumps higher each time you press the space key. Overall it's a good start.

  5. I like how colorful the background is. I think you could improve on the jumping and make it smoother. I like how simple your game is.

  6. That was fun!
    Very funny theme, I love it!
    I think that the sprite could move smoother.

  7. Great game I love the christmas theme
    I'm guessing your not done but I cant jump up
    I like how its a cloud not just a block

  8. Great job!The colors were a good pick and I love the moose, funny! I could suggest you make the jump button the up arrow because the space threw me off and I thought it was broken.You don't need the fix that but you could make the character a little smoother. I love the idea of the game really good job!

  9. I like the backdrops and sprite you used. I think you should make the up arrow the jump key, so all the keys are right next to each other. I like how the platform slowly moves down, great job!

  10. Your platfomer game was very fun and creative. Although, it seemed like it was a little glitchy when the sprites jumped. Overall it was a good game.
