Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Tiny Spherical Worlds

When we are taking the pictures for our tiny spherical worlds, we need to take more then one image. One image is not enough to take because with one picture, you can't get the same effect as you can with multiple images.  Although many images is better than just one, if you don't take the pictures right, your image is going to end up a disaster. To take perfect pictures, make sure that the horizon line stays straight and that you overlap your images.

A polar pano is different from a spherical pano because, a polar pano appears as though it was take from above the earth.  A spherical pano on the other hand, kind of looks like a crystal ball sort of thing. The polar pano has the sky on the outside and the earth/ land in the center.  In my case the polar panos also have a black background.  The spherical pano has the sky on the inside/ center and the land on the outside.  The background of this one is white. In my opinion I prefer the polar panos, I think they look nicer overall but I really like the spherical ones too.

I think that the fact that I made the  line less obvious made my tiny worlds so convincing.  I also think that when I was editing them I didn't make them look SUPER unrealistic, just a little more surreal than what it normally looks like.  I think I also made them look a little more convincing by blending some of the colors together so that the colors match throughout.  Overall I really liked how my images turned out and I had a lot of fun with this project.