Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Movie Poster Promo

Annabelle is the main girl in our movie trailer, she is a young girl who lives on the country side. Annabelle is a sweet, quiet, shy girl, one day she finds an old picture in the attic of an old abandoned house, the picture has a ghost in it. Annabelle is played by Cara Griffin, Cara is a perfect actor for Annabelle. Annabelle get's kidnapped by the ghost as she's about to tell her parent's about it. Julie is Annabelle's complete opposite, she is loud, fun and all she ever wants to do is go on adventures. I play Julie, I am a little louder and I like to have fun. Our last character is The Ghost Of 229th street, the ghost lives in the old abandoned house on 229th street. The ghost doesn't want anyone to know about his existence so he kidnaps Annabelle, when she is about to tell her parent's about him. 

Our title is 229th Street, it is called this because the ghost is from the abandoned subdivision that used to be called 229th Street. When the Ghost of 229th Street kidnaps Annabelle he brings her to 229th Street. I included the actors as well as the name of the character they play, I also included some of the things critic's said about the movie. I also included the actresses and the roles they play in the movie. Here is my progress so far I have made the font of the title look like a address that you would find on the side of a house/ building.  On my title I also added the effect drop shadow and that makes it look like the words are coming off the page and creating a shadow.  I also included the date the movie is coming to theaters. Kerning can be pretty easy but it is also hard because you just have eye it and see if it looks right.  I made the letters in "Scream Studios" really far apart so it looks like it does in a lot of different movie trailers and movie posters.

I used the drop shadow layer affect on the main picture and on the title. The drop shadow makes it look like the words and the picture are coming off the page. It gives it character and makes it look really cool.  I also included the stroke layer affect on the title, the critiques, and the actors and actresses. The stroke makes the white font easier to read and it also makes the poster look really nice. I cut out the ghost form another picture and added it to this picture, this made it so that we had the ghost hiding and it looks like it's going to scare Anabelle at any second. I also made the ghost brighter, it was really dark and would've been really hard to see.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Proactive or Procrastination?

I'm mostly a procrastinator but when it comes to school I am pretty proactive.  I like to get my homework done right when I get home from school so that I can do anything I want the rest of the night.  When the project doesn't have anything to with school, or my grade I put it off to the very first minute.   Also, when I am done with my schoolwork I just sit around and don't really do anything.

When I'm really focused I can get stuff done pretty fast and have lots of free time.  A lot of times I will watch TV while doing my homework, when I do this I take a really long time to finish my  homework.  When I'm in a room with my little siblings it takes me a really long time to do my homework because I can't focus with a lot of noise or when people are talking to me.  When I am in a room by myself or there is no noise and no ones talking to me I can get a lot of work done in a short amount of time.  I have quite a bit of free time because I do all my homework right after school, but I don't really use my free time wisely.

The one thing I would change about my work habits is I would try to become more focused and not get distracted as easily.  The way I would do this is I would try to tune people out and only think about what I am doing and not what I want to do when I am done.  I also could try to find a place where I won't get distracted and I will focus more.  I also think that I can try and pay more attention to the work I am doing and check my answers more than once for silly mistakes.