A lot of the effects I used were brightening the pictures and enhancing certain colors. The colors I enhanced were the pink and orange in the sunsets, it would affect the mood because it was while I was talking about those certain colors of the earth. I also made the picture of a bird flying brighter because that day was very gloomy and I didn't want darkness in my poem. I also used Ken Burns effect on the bird picture and on the picture of the plumeria. I think this effect helps keep the audience awake and not just staring at a picture for five seconds.
I feel like I did an a lot better job on this then I did on my last project. Everything can be better there's no such thing as perfect, I think I could have got added some more video and maybe added a time lapse when I was talking about the sunsetting. I also think that when I took the picture of the bird flying I could have done it on a brighter day when there weren't that many clouds in the sky. Other than these small things I think I did a pretty good job.